
Wow amazing

Wow amazing: This is my first online game (also estimated the last one), playing two or three days began to marvel. Exclaimed one: is the complexity of the game, a variety of skills of various systems, how so many by health? Later realized that the points of the so-called flow stream mouse and keyboard, but fortunately I played cs and Need for Speed, the left hand can also control the direction, or really can not afford to. Marveling: wow inside the world really realistic, various landforms, all kinds of monsters ...... people overwhelmed by various kinds of elements. Marveling: screen do very beautiful, our night Barrens actually began to darken, the dim moonlight, actually sync with the real world; When one day oasis in the rhythm began to rain when I told my brother said: OMG inside will rain. Second, the long upgrade road 1. Painful upgrade the road: Office workers, long upgrade path is painful, I nearly two months, during various strange ko, a variety of plug-ins will not be used, a variety of get lost, as well as a variety of be honor ... I do not know how many individuals like me so upgrade up less than five times during the next copy of, or even to 70, who just a few pieces of blue outfit, went to Shattrath get instant lamented: The Yan'an finally to the! Azeroth fond memories: Upgrade long & painful, but I am glad to have such an experience, although not as old players, but along the way, do a lot of happiness brought by the task fun, let's Remembrance of these Homecoming: The delicious wind snake: delicious wind snake recipes do not know really how much class to break out, friends say Do something you can get to the auction house to sell, and earn a little money, and later on 300g sold. Friends know gave this thing as long as the value of 1k-1.5k. Thorns Hills: collecting Chapter 7 is really not an easy thing, kept re Stranglethorn killing, the various dragon, orangutans, tigers ...... To these chapters falling in every corner of Stranglethorn, forgive I bloody and brutal. More eggs pain, nearly a week has not Chouqi all chapters, when a chance in Booty Bay Xiaguang integrated channels shouting trading the original task items also can be traded, and finally through the transaction and ah Chouqi, the task assigned to jump achievement finally end. This task so I learned use ah and integrated channels, and other players to interact with, although at that time the field leveling players pitiful.

