
Game Developers Conference

This year's Game Developers Conference (GDC) will be held in San Francisco from March 25 to 29, and there will be many game hardware and software vendors from around the world to showcase their latest gaming technology. It is understood that Activision Blizzard will also attend the conference and on-site technical lectures published called "Photorealistic Eyes Rendering and Deformation" (realistic eye rendering and shaping), its contents will be involved in the company's new generation of game characters rendering technology. To automatically Blizzard real-time graphics technology development department of Jorge Jimenez said in a blog today, Activision Blizzard has developed a new generation of game characters in real-time rendering techniques, including the light scattering of the surface of the skin, eye color rendering, anti-aliasing performance , depth-of-field performance, as well as skin grainy show core technology to create realistic game characters, the technology will be used for Activision Blizzard works of the creation of the game for the next-generation game console, so as to bring players more real shock game screen performance. According to the earlier message is displayed, Valve will be on display in the current GDC meeting the long-awaited Augmented Reality wearing the device as well as the game works, Sony and Microsoft when likely will release the next-generation PlayStation and Xbox consoles .

