
Chapter II: Snow Country hunting songs - seats baby Mountains

Chapter II: Snow Country hunting songs - seats baby Mountains From the land of the far north of the continent of Tyria, a towering mountains where they stand. This series of peaks named seats baby the Mountains (Shiverpeak Mountains), and it is running through the north and south, the entire Tyria continent divided into east and west two blocks to form a natural barrier.   Steep due to the altitude, and is located in the far north. Seats baby mountain climate is unusually cold. And Kryta so prosperous and comfortable southern kingdom here year-round snow goose feather floating snow knee. If there is no strong physique and tenacity, ordinary people absolutely can not survive in such a harsh environment down. However, you do not think readers seats baby Mountains is such a life extinct silence Mountains. The contrary, nature is always to create a creature to adapt to the environment. Many snowfields plants and animals adapt to the cold, in the mountains of this frozen vibrant and continues to constitute an independent kingdom. Each one kingdom has its master. Seats baby the mountains once been tall corner Dayton giant (Jotun) rule. These gray-blue skin terrible giant race once had a brilliant culture. Their history is enough to be traced back to a previous life era. But now, they have been reduced to a brutal and bloodthirsty creatures, most of the knowledge and civilization have been forgotten in the history.

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