
Benitez current position

Although not giving names places that within which the veteran has not in the club's plans range Benitez or gently tells Chelsea will reuse young people plan policy. "In Chelsea, you need to always keep go on to win, you can not forget it, we would have won this championship," the idea. Club needs to move forward, it also means you have to continue to introduce new players to update and updating. " Benitez current position is still the "agent coach, the future is still not clear. "Daily Mirror" that the Blues owner Roman Abramovich's mid-season employment Benitez is hoped Pui Shuai act as wicked, by its hands of a number of high-paying half year term of office of a series of clear, old veteran players. Help the club to catch in the UEFA financial fair competition in the New Deal was formally launched to reduce the the Club financial pressure, and potential obstacles, clearing the way for the future coach (Benitez viewed by some as having been brought in by Roman Abramovich to do the "dirty work" and clear the decks for his successor). Dunbar - Pakistan joining from Newcastle wearing blue clothing show stunning performance, whether his arrival will give love to Torres brought pressure? Benitez replied: "Dunbar - Pakistan arrival of Torres is only of benefit can be 100% sure which players can maintain the best condition in every game, but the Chelsea players must be so, and therefore ( new players joining) will produce a positive reaction. between the two men is the ability to adapt to each other, perhaps they can be scored more goals than ever before. " "Torres is an experienced player, he understood my football every training session I will see Torres advances, we have a set of enhanced the Torres capacity system plan, if the work that Torres will become faster, but The question now is Torres involved in too many games, too tired players, Dunbar - Pakistan joined is a great thing. "Benitez finally concluded.

