
Temple of the Silent Storm

The following describes the characteristics of all over the map, and a unique score. Temple of the Silent Storm   Regarded spvp current diagram for a high and low stages of differential based map. Addition to Triple locations, there are four symbols (meditations) available, individual scores 10 points achieved will increase. Lower left and lower right are enemy kill again +3 points (to increase the team scores) Stronghold in the middle made, can the strongholds team scores 2 times Most top of the map is the most important symbol, achieved can instantly make a Triple become our stronghold. (Emergence time is certain is 8:30) Map unique scores: commune successes: the role made any symbols, you can add a personal score of 10:00. Raid on the Capricorn   Map half of water, not familiar with a lot of players water war, this map also caused spvp most unwelcome ..... Moreover, this map also does not have any can increase personal scores. Coupled with the Skirmisher very difficult to obtain, so this map individual scores are low. Map top stronghold occupation, allows the shark in the water becomes us was defensive point, very difficult 1V1 win. The cannon can use, but requires the board to move the shells to use, but there will be no extra bonus hit below the map. Forest of Niflhel

